DOpus (83/96)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:29 May 2001 at 00:52:54
Subject:Re: [D5] dockimages = blank after OS3.9 solved !

On 29-May-01 01:15:57 Andreas Mixich wrote:


>I could solve the problem. I had to exchange the OS3.9 picture.datatype and
>the ilbm.datatype with CGFX respectivly Stefan Rupprecht's.

>Now all works fine. Thanks a lot for 5.82 anyway !

>Jesus ! This makes me scared. What will happen to Dopus5 once AmigaOS4.x
>appears....PPC and all that stuff (H&P being behind it...hmmm....).

>If we only could convince The Fantastic Two, SuperJon and Professor Greg, to
>save the weak and innocent and stay with us :-)

>We *need* you. I doubt that WB, at least before OS5 (if it ever should see
>the light of the day) will be even close as powerful as Dopus5 is.

Unfortunately, the dominion forces of the dark side have overwhelmed us
and we have been forced to slave for Bill's Evil Empire.

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
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